architecture commercial waldport elementary school playground
Waldport, Oregon - 1988

To design a new playground the the local elementary school using pieces of the old equipment in combination with newly purchased elements.
To head up the construction of the project along with volunteer parents from the school.
The work was done pro bono.

The existing playground area at Waldport Elementary School

Waldport Elementary Parent Teachers Organization
Waldport, Oregon, USA

unless noted otherwise all images copyright d. holmes chamberlin jr architect llc

Kids line up to try new slide, Waldport Elementary School Playground, Waldport, Oregon, USA, 1988.

Wyatt Chamberlin test the bars, Waldport Elementary School Playground, Waldport, Oregon, USA, 1988.

Volunteer Construction Work

Volunteers working together, Waldport Elementary School Playground, Waldport, Oregon, USA, 1988.

Architect attaching hardware, Waldport Elementary School Playground, Waldport, Oregon, USA, 1988.

Architect drilling for bolted connections, Waldport Elementary School Playground, Waldport, Oregon, USA, 1988.

copyright d. holmes chamberlin jr architect llc
page last revised august 2019